The project is funded in the 2nd ERA-Net CRUE Research Funding Initiative by: Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water management (BMLFUW), Austria - Federal Ministry for Education & Research (BMBF), Germany - Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Italy
English (United Kingdom)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)Italian - Italy
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Wednesday, 10 March 2010 13:29

IMRA – Integrated flood risk management to improve risk perception and public participation

The primary objective of the project "Integrated flood risk management to improve risk perception and public participation" (IMRA) is to improve risk perception and the actual decision-making through active participation of responsible actors and the population three study areas of three European river basins. The overall process of evaluation and management of flood risks will be reorganized to manage the risk and to have people participate in that risk management.

The Goal is to improve risk awareness and increase public participation at the outset of the project. A Practical Handbook for gradual implementation of risk management and communication strategy will be another objective of the project. The test of the conceptual framework, alongside the Moll (Austria) and the Chiascio (Italy) and the catchment area of Wupper as a case study area is another purpose of the project. In the case study lead by the University of Dortmund, Institute of Spatial Planning, Prof. Dr. Stefan Greiving, the Wupper Association is actively involved.

The IMRA project is an initiative of the second ERA-Net Crue Research with the aim to the research integrated on consolidate and disseminate flood risk management in Europe.

Last Updated on Friday, 14 May 2010 04:00
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