The project is funded in the 2nd ERA-Net CRUE Research Funding Initiative by: Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water management (BMLFUW), Austria - Federal Ministry for Education & Research (BMBF), Germany - Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Italy
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Case study River Wupper (Germany) PDF Drucken
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Mittwoch, den 10. März 2010 um 13:18 Uhr

  • Catchment area: 813 km2
  • Location: North Rhine-Westphalia,east of Düsseldorf and Cologne
  • Tributary of the Rhine
  • The riverbed lies between 441 m and 34 m
  • Due to massive floods at the beginning of the 20th century, technical measures including dams were developed
  • Since that more local flash floods
  • Lack of risk awareness
Zuletzt aktualisiert am Montag, den 07. Juni 2010 um 18:01 Uhr
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